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=='''參考文獻'''== | =='''參考文獻'''== | ||
- | + | 1. Fernando C. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11736775 Poisoning due to Abrus precatorius (jequirity bean).] ''Anaesthesia'' 2001; 56: 1178-1180. | |
- | + | 2. Subrahmanyan D, Mathew J, Raj M. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18259968 An unusual manifestation of Abrus precatorius poisoning: A report of two cases.] ''Clinical Toxicology'' 2008; 46: 173-175. | |
- | + | 3. Pillay VV, Bhagyanathan PV, Krishnaprasad R et al. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15987020 Poisoning due to white seed variety of Abrus precatorius.] ''Journal of Association of Physicians of India'' 2005; 53: 317-319. | |
- | + | 4. Sahoo R, Hamide A, Amalnath SD, Narayana BS. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18763153 Acute demyelinating encephalitis due to Abrus precatorius poisoning – complete recovery after steroid therapy.] ''Clinical Toxicology'' 2008; 46: 1071-1073. | |
- | + | 5. Reedman L, Shih RD, Hung O. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672262/ Survival after an intentional ingestion of crushed abrus seeds.] ''Western Journal of Emergency Medicine'' 2008; 9: 157-159. | |
- | + | 6. Tahirov TH, Lu T-H, Liaw Y-C et al. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WK7-45S97C3-7G&_user=1194663&_coverDate=07%2F14%2F1995&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=gateway&_origin=gateway&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=1725893459&_rerunOrigin=google&_acct=C000051939&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=1194663&md5=6a039097a5f718c6d5e54ccbd8e80a06&searchtype=a Crystal Structure of Abrin-a at 2.14 Å.] ''Journal of Molecular Biology'' 1995; 250: 354-367. | |
- | + | 7. Sandvig K, van Deurs B. [http://www.nature.com/emboj/journal/v19/n22/abs/7593408a.html Entry of ricin and Shiga toxin into cells: molecular mechanisms and medical perspectives.] ''The EMBO Journal'' 2000; 19: 5943-5950. | |
- | + | 8. Day PJ, Owens SR, Wesche J et al. [http://www.jbc.org/content/276/10/7202.full An Interaction between Ricin and Calreticulin That May Have Implications for Toxin Trafficking.] ''Journal of Biological Chemistry'' 2001; 276: 7202-7208. | |
- | + | 9. Stephen Benson SO, and Alexander Pihl. [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1432-1033.1975.tb02484.x/abstract On the Mechanism of Protein-Synthesis Inhibition by Abrin and Rich.] ''European Journal of Biochemistry'' 1975; 59: 573-580. | |
- | + | 10. Dickers KJ, Bradberry SM, Rice P et al. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15181663 Abrin poisoning.] ''Toxicological Reviews'' 2003; 22: 137-142. | |
[http://tcm-toxic.kmu.edu.tw/index.php/%E8%B1%86%E7%A7%91 返回上一頁] | [http://tcm-toxic.kmu.edu.tw/index.php/%E8%B1%86%E7%A7%91 返回上一頁] |
在2011年11月22日 (二) 15:49所做的修訂版本
目錄 |
科別 | 豆科 Leguminosae |
屬名 | 雞母珠屬 Abrus |
中文學名 | 雞母珠 |
拉丁學名 | Abrus precatorius L. |
英文名稱 | jequirity bean,rosary pea,precatory bean,crab's-eye |
中文俗名 | 相思豆 |
雞母珠莖鬚 |
雞母珠莖 |
雞母珠未成熟果實 | |
雞母珠葉 |
雞母珠成熟果實1 |
雞母珠成熟果實2 |
雞母珠葉 |
藤狀灌木(climbing shrub),外觀型態上具有許多分枝,分枝細且長。葉長約5-8公分,羽狀對生,落葉性,每一分枝上約有20-40片小葉。花呈腋生總狀花序,花冠紅或白色,豆莢長約2.5-4公分,每一豆莢內含約4-6個種子,種子呈鮮紅色,臍眼為黑色,外殼堅硬。
- 有毒成份
早在19世紀末就有研究指出雞母珠的毒性成分為毒蛋白(toxalbumin),並且發現主要毒性來源為雞母珠毒素(abrin)及abric acid[1]。雞母珠毒素在結構上由兩條肽鏈(peptide chains)A鏈及B鏈構成[6],兩鏈之間由共價雙硫鍵(S=S)產生連接,結構上類似於胰島素(insulin)、蓖蔴毒素(ricin)、肉毒桿菌(botulinum toxin)、霍亂毒素(cholera toxin)或白喉毒素(diphtheria toxin)。
- 機轉
結構上,B鏈主要是幫助雞母珠毒蛋白黏接到細胞的表面接受器上,促使A鏈透過接受器媒介(receptors-mediated)的胞吞作用(endocytosis)進入到細胞當中[7],當進入到細胞當中後,毒蛋白會逆著正常蛋白質運輸的途徑進入到內質網(endoplasmic reticuleum, ER)[8],然後在ER當中連接A、B鏈的雙硫鍵斷裂使得A鏈進入到細胞質(cytosol);而A鏈在雞母珠毒蛋白中扮演產生毒性的最主要角色,在進入細胞質後,A鏈會鍵結到核糖體(ribosome)60S次單位(subunit)上,此一次單位上含有RNA轉譯成為蛋白質時所需的延伸因子(elongation factors, EF),蛋白質的合成要完整必須要有延伸因子的幫助才能達成,A-chain鍵結的位置恰為EF-1及EF-2的位置,進而干擾蛋白質的合成而導致細胞的死亡[9]。
- 症狀
常見的雞母珠中毒症狀為噁心(nausea)、嘔吐(vomiting)、腹瀉(diarrhoea)、腹部絞痛(abdominal cramps)、嘔血(haematemesis)及黑便(melena)[1, 3],此些症狀是由於雞母珠毒蛋白刺激腸胃道黏膜所造成的,在通報案例中最主要的症狀也是腸胃道毒性[2];腎衰竭也是一常被發現的中毒症狀,可能引起原因是由於血液凝集素(haemagglutination)、紅血球溶血(haemolysis of red blood cells)、血容積減少性休克(hypovolaemic shock)或是直接的毒性反應於腎臟[1]。在各國的案例報導中,也發現一些不常見,但是很可能有致命危險的中毒症狀,例如:顱內壓(intra-cranial pressure, ICP)及視神經乳突水腫(papilledema)[2],本記載案例共兩人,有一人最後死亡;肺水腫(pulmonary edema)[1]。另外,雞母珠毒素也有中樞神經毒性,常見症狀包括頭痛(headache)、瞳孔放大(dilated pupils)、幻覺(hallucinations)、睏倦(drowsiness)、手足抽搐(tateny)及癲癇發作(seizures)[2]。
- 中毒劑量
1. Fernando C. Poisoning due to Abrus precatorius (jequirity bean). Anaesthesia 2001; 56: 1178-1180.
2. Subrahmanyan D, Mathew J, Raj M. An unusual manifestation of Abrus precatorius poisoning: A report of two cases. Clinical Toxicology 2008; 46: 173-175.
3. Pillay VV, Bhagyanathan PV, Krishnaprasad R et al. Poisoning due to white seed variety of Abrus precatorius. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 2005; 53: 317-319.
4. Sahoo R, Hamide A, Amalnath SD, Narayana BS. Acute demyelinating encephalitis due to Abrus precatorius poisoning – complete recovery after steroid therapy. Clinical Toxicology 2008; 46: 1071-1073.
5. Reedman L, Shih RD, Hung O. Survival after an intentional ingestion of crushed abrus seeds. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 2008; 9: 157-159.
6. Tahirov TH, Lu T-H, Liaw Y-C et al. Crystal Structure of Abrin-a at 2.14 Å. Journal of Molecular Biology 1995; 250: 354-367.
7. Sandvig K, van Deurs B. Entry of ricin and Shiga toxin into cells: molecular mechanisms and medical perspectives. The EMBO Journal 2000; 19: 5943-5950.
8. Day PJ, Owens SR, Wesche J et al. An Interaction between Ricin and Calreticulin That May Have Implications for Toxin Trafficking. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2001; 276: 7202-7208.
9. Stephen Benson SO, and Alexander Pihl. On the Mechanism of Protein-Synthesis Inhibition by Abrin and Rich. European Journal of Biochemistry 1975; 59: 573-580.
10. Dickers KJ, Bradberry SM, Rice P et al. Abrin poisoning. Toxicological Reviews 2003; 22: 137-142.