中英文學名 | 科別 | 毒性 | 症狀 |
科別 | 唇形科 Labiatae (Lamiaceae) |
屬名 | 小鞘蕊花屬 Coleus |
中文學名 | 到手香 |
拉丁學名 | 1. Coleus amboinicus Lour., 2. Pogastemon cabin auct. non (Blanco) Benth., 3. Plectranthus amboinensis (Lour.) Spreng. |
英文名稱 | Torbangun, Patchouli, Country borage |
中文俗名 | 大葉薄荷草、廣藿香、本藿香、左手香 |
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莖 | 多年生草本,全株密被粗毛肉質。 |
葉 | 枝葉具特殊香氣,葉對生,心形或闊卵形。 |
花 | 穗狀花序,頂生或腋生,小花唇形,淡紫色,萼5枚,雄蕊4,柱頭2裂。 |
果實 | 小堅果長卵形。 |
葉[4, 5] |
地上部分[6-8] |
- 1. 泌乳(lactagogue)[3, 9]
- 2. 抗瘧疾(antimalarial activity):給予感染瘧疾的albino小鼠到手香水萃取物,250及500 mg/ml在24、48、72及96小時都有顯著的降低瘧原蟲量。相較現用的藥物chloroquine,250及500 mg/ml的藥物抑制率分別為67.9%及76.2%[10]。
- 症狀
- 皮膚紅疹、全身發養、水泡性紅腫並脫皮、結膜炎、口腔潰瘍並出血、解尿困難,合併出現膽妄症及肝功能異常等多重器官衰竭。
- 有毒成分
1. carvacrol[11, 12] 2. tthymol[12]
- 中毒劑量
- 未知
- 機轉
- 未知
- 基因毒性
- 1. ECarvacrol (10, 30, 50及70 mg/kg b.w., 6h, 12h及24h)顯著提高結構染色體(structural chromosome)及總染色體(total chromosome);Carvacrol (50及70 mg/kg b.w., 24h)同時也導致numerical chromosome aberrations顯著上升;Carvacrol (70 mg/kg b.w., 6h; 50, 70 mg/kg b.w., 12h)也表現出與urethane (400 mg/kg b.w.)相類似的降低mitotic index (MI)的能力。Thymol引起結構染色體(80, 100 mg/kg b.w., 6h; 100 mg/kg, 12h)、總染色體(60, 80及100 mg/kg b.w., 6h; 100mg/kg b.w., 12h和24h)及numerical chromosome aberrations (40, 80及100 mg/kg b.w., 6h和12h; 80, 100 mg/kg b.w., 24h)顯著異常。Thymol (60, 80及100 mg/kg b.w., 6h; 40, 60, 80及100 mg/kg b.w., 24h)相較urethane顯著降低MI[11]。
- 2. Ccarvacrol (0.1 microM)及thymol (0.1 microM)以Aems試驗測試基因毒性,結果顯示經代謝後的給藥組相較控制組,回復率提高1.5-1.7倍,但並無顯著差異[12]。
1. 徐惠君. 新竹縣北埔鄉客家民族植物使用知識之研究. 2007.
2. 張憲昌. 臺灣藥用植物圖鑑. 台中市: 晨星出版 2007.294
3. Damanik R. Torbangun (Coleus amboinicus Lour): a Bataknese traditional cuisine perceived as lactagogue by Bataknese lactating women in Simalungun, North Sumatera, Indonesia. J Hum Lact 2009; 25: 64-72.
4. Singh G, Singh OP, Prasad YR, de Lampasona MP, Catalan C. Studies on essential oils, Part 33: chemical and insecticidal investigations on leaf oil of Coleus amboinicus Lour. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 2002; 17: 440-442.
5. Dilexa Valera, Roimar Rivas, Jorge Luis Avila, Lianne Aubert, Miguel Alonso-Amelot, Usubillaga A. The Essential Oil of Coleus Amboinicus Loureiro Chemical Composition and Evaluation of Insect Anti-Feedant Effects. Ciencia 2003; 11: 113-118.
6. D. Prudent, F. Perineau, J. M. Bessierec, G. M. Michel, Baccou JC. Analysis of the essential oil of wild oregano from Martinique (Coleus aromaticus Benth.): evaluation of its bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties. Journal of Essential Oil Research 1995; 7: 165-173.
7. Gopal R. Mallavarapu, Laxmi Rao, Srinivasaiyer Ramesh. Essential Oil of Coleus aromaticus Benth. from India. Journal of Essential Oil Research 1999; 11: 742 -744.
8. Pino J, Rosado A, Borges P. Volatile Components in the Essential Oil of Wild Oregano (Coleus-Amboinicus Lour). Nahrung-Food 1990; 34: 819-823.
9. Damanik R, Wahlqvist ML, Wattanapenpaiboon N. Lactagogue effects of Torbangun, a Bataknese traditional cuisine. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2006; 15: 267-274.
10. Periyanayagam K, Nirmala Devi K, Suseela L, Uma A, Ismail M. In vivo antimalarial activity of leaves of Plectranthus amboinicus (lour) spreng on Plasmodium berghei yoelii. J Commun Dis 2008; 40: 121-125.
11. Azirak S, Rencuzogullari E. The in vivo genotoxic effects of carvacrol and thymol in rat bone marrow cells. Environmental Toxicology 2008; 23: 728-735.
12. Stammati A, Bonsi P, Zucco F, Moezelaar R, Alakomi HL, von Wright A. Toxicity of selected plant volatiles in microbial and mammalian short-term assays. Food and Chemistry Toxicology 1999; 37: 813-823.
中英文學名 | 科別 | 毒性 | 症狀 |